Crocodiles or Alligators

I read this question online today, "Would you rather a crocodile attack you or an alligator", while you are pondering the complexities of this rather disturbing thought, I will tell you that is has double meaning.  The best answer is I would rather the crocodile attack the alligator :)  If you read it again you will see the double meaning.

It really made me think.  Life is full of these double meanings and the answer you chose is up to you.  I personally have a profound faith in God.  I try to live my life in a manner that glorifies God as well as uplifts others.  Obviously this may not always be the case.  Like when my kids are fighting over who gets the fruit loops and who gets the captain crunch in the middle of the grocery store.  This too is a double meaning, I can be irritated at them bickering , or I can chose to be glad that they think for themselves.  That they are healthy.  That they are not hungry.  I can chose to be grateful for the blessing that God has given me.

Tomorrow I will be conscious of this sentence and try to live my day in a positive light not complaining that the alligator may eat me, but instead that it will eat the crocodile and I challenge you to join me.

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